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An Asians* Unmasked Project

ASIANS* in FOCUS is an initiative created by NAAPIMHA in recognition that mental HEALTH takes many forms. We decided to create a space dedicated to the sole purpose of telling AANHPI stories, using the full range of artistic expression.  JA-NE is a proud friend of AiF, and Courtney is a member of the founding team. 

Asians* in Focus launched Asians* Unmasked: a photography project that came about as a direct response to COVID-19 and the impact on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. The unprecedented loss of life and economic uncertainty forever changed the world and placed mental health in the heart of all discussions.


Unfortunately, the pandemic also saw an increase in racist attacks towards individuals of Asian ancestry, who were blamed for the coronavirus. In response to these attacks, a small group of Asian American advocates and artists came together to not only make a statement, but to also develop creative outlets designed to heal.


Asians* in Focus launched our inaugural project during May 2020, which is both Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) and Mental Health Awareness Month, because it is more important now than ever to celebrate who we are as AANHPIs.

Asians*Unmasked originally launched under the name "Living While Asian*".  Please click below to read a note from our team regarding the name change and to learn more about the project's history. 

Copyright 2023
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